Management Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners Working with Children and Adolescents
Author(s): Nancy Herban Hill, RN, DSN, PNPC, APN & Linda M. Sullivan, RN, CS, DSN, FNPC
Publisher: F. A. Davis
Pediatric nurse practitioners and students have a need for a concise manual to assist in their assessment, evaluation of signs and symptoms, and initiation of treatment of children and adolescents. The new edition of this clinical reference fills that need by discussing the most common disorders seen in children and adolescents. Organized by anatomical areas in a head-to-toe approach, it reviews the growth and development stages of the healthy child, as well as lists the essential elements to focus on during assessment for each disorder.
Key Features
- Discusses 176 disorders commonly seen in children and adolescents
- Addresses both the medical aspects of the disorders and the nursing concerns and patient education
- Reviews growth and development stages of the healthy child
- Discusses various approaches for assessing the client and obtaining all essential information in a timely fashion
- Each monograph includes definition, etiology, occurrence, age, ethnicity, gender, contributing factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, sequelae, prevention/prophylaxis, referral guidelines, education, and references
- Rationales added to differential diagnoses that helps differentiate one disorder from another
- Complementary therapies added to treatment section
- Psychosocial issues discussed
- Many monographs conclude with a diagnostic decision tree to illustrate diagnostic or treatment reasoning
- Organized by anatomical areas in a head-to-toe approach
- Each disorder chapter contains an overview of the essential elements to focus on during assessment
- ICD-9 codes added to all the disorders
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*Desktop version requires Windows 98 or higher.
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For your information, this is not regular e-book, this is medical application of PC that needs Windows

Operating System for installation (98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7).
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