Handbook of Fractures
4th edition
Author(s): Kenneth A. Egol, MD, Kenneth J. Koval, MD and Joseph D. Zuckerman, MD
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business
An indispensable on-the-spot guide to fracture management and classification. This latest update is based on the
4th edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.
Intuitive and easy to navigate, this resource provides instant access to information on fractures in adults and children, including epidemiology, anatomy, mechanism of injury, clinical evaluation, radiologic evaluation, classification, treatment, and complications.
Handbook of Fractures is the ideal on-the-spot reference for residents and practitioners seeking fast facts on fracture management and classification.
Key Features
- Includes new information on aspiration of the joints, fracture reduction, traumatic lacerations
- Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classifications beefed up
- Updated information on multiple trauma
- Sections organized by anatomic site provide key information on fractures in adults and in children, including epidemiology, anatomy, mechanism of injury, clinical evaluation, radiologic evaluation, classification, treatment, and management of complications.
- Concise easy to access format
- Numerous charts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, and bulleted lists
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For your information, this is not regular e-book, this is medical application of PC that needs Windows

Operating System for installation (98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7).
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